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Age: 48

Date updated: 2024-08-02


Last contracts:

ETO: Vivaldi - Accommodation barge / 2022-06-01 - 2023-01-13 (7 months)

Chief Electrical Engineer: Sea Launch - Research vessel / 2021-06-01 - 2022-03-31 (10 months)

Chief Engineer

Age: 56

Date updated: 2023-03-13


Last contracts:

Chief Engineer: EVALUNA - General cargo / 2022-05-14 - 2023-01-08 (8 months)

Chief Engineer: WEC Majorelle - Container Ship / 2020-07-24 - 2021-07-11 (12 months)

Chief Engineer: EVALUNA - General cargo / 2019-04-12 - 2019-12-23 (8 months)

Chief Engineer: EVALUNA - General cargo / 2018-05-23 - 2018-11-29 (6 months)

Chief Engineer: ALTENAVI - General cargo / 2017-04-28 - 2018-03-27 (11 months)

2nd Engineer

Age: 37

Date updated: 2023-01-10


Last contracts:

2nd Engineer: Eco Valencia - RO-RO / 2022-12-24 - 2023-01-03 (10 days)

2nd Engineer: YSALINE - RO-RO / 2022-09-28 - 2022-11-09 (1 month)

2nd Engineer: YSALINE - RO-RO / 2022-02-13 - 2022-06-15 (4 months)

2nd Engineer: YSALINE - RO-RO / 2021-10-10 - 2021-12-20 (2 months)

2nd Engineer: YSALINE - RO-RO / 2021-03-21 - 2021-06-26 (3 months)

AB Seaman

Age: 30

Date updated: 2023-01-17


Last contracts:

Head Waiter: Mv Ambience - Cruise Liner / 2021-10-23 - 2023-01-02 (1 year)

Head Waiter: Vasco Da Gama - Cruise Liner / 2017-01-07 - 2019-11-23 (2 years)

Dining Room Head Waiter: Mv Magellan - Cruise Liner / 2016-02-27 - 2016-09-16 (7 months)

Dining Room Waiter: Super Star Libra - Cruise Liner / 2013-01-03 - 2013-08-06 (7 months)


Age: 54

Date updated: 2023-05-22


Last contracts:

Boatswain: Oracle - Bulk Carrier / 2022-08-17 - 2022-12-21 (4 months)

Boatswain: Annaki - Bulk Carrier / 2021-07-19 - 2021-08-21 (1 month)

Boatswain: Olympic pioneer - Bulk Carrier / 2021-01-16 - 2021-07-18 (6 months)

Boatswain: Olympic pride - Bulk Carrier / 2020-02-09 - 2020-08-28 (7 months)

2nd Officer

Age: 34

Date updated: 2023-11-27


Last contracts:

2nd Officer: Neva-leader 6 - General cargo / 2021-10-16 - 2022-12-20 (1 year)


Age: 41

Date updated: 2023-05-18


Last contracts:

ETO: MT SEA SHELL - Oil Products Tanker / 2022-06-17 - 2022-12-19 (6 months)

ETO: MT ALBURAQ - Oil Products Tanker / 2021-07-07 - 2022-01-19 (6 months)

ETO: MT SEA JEWEL - Oil Products Tanker / 2020-09-11 - 2021-02-04 (5 months)

ETO: MT SEA LEGEND - Oil Products Tanker / 2019-07-27 - 2019-12-10 (4 months)

ETO: MT SEA BEAUTY - Oil Products Tanker / 2018-12-14 - 2019-04-18 (4 months)

OS / Welder

Age: 24

Date updated: 2024-02-14


Last contracts:

OS / Welder: FAVORI - General cargo / 2022-05-16 - 2022-12-16 (7 months)

Deck Cadet: CERENCAN - General cargo / 2021-09-09 - 2022-01-30 (5 months)

Deck Cadet: MAZOVIA - RO-RO / 2019-11-19 - 2020-02-15 (3 months)

3rd Engineer

Age: 49

Date updated: 2023-06-09


Last contracts:

3rd Engineer: Siem Amethyst - AHTS / 2022-09-08 - 2022-12-15 (3 months)


Age: 23

Date updated: 2023-05-10


Last contracts:

AB / Motorman: captain babichev - Icebreaker / 2022-05-26 - 2022-12-14 (7 months)

Motorman: Captain Babichev - Icebreaker / 2021-08-03 - 2021-11-14 (3 months)

AB / Motorman: Captain Babichev - Icebreaker / 2020-05-18 - 2020-11-12 (6 months)

2nd Engineer

Age: 43

Date updated: 2023-03-06


Last contracts:

2nd Engineer: Zim Savannah - Container Ship / 2022-10-20 - 2022-12-11 (2 months)


Age: 33

Date updated: 2023-07-05


Last contracts:

Engine Cadet: PGS-123 - Tug boat / 2022-10-05 - 2022-12-07 (2 months)

2nd Officer

Age: 32

Date updated: 2023-04-30


Last contracts:

3rd Officer: M.V JAL KAMADHENU - Bulk Carrier / 2022-04-28 - 2022-12-03 (7 months)

3rd Officer: M.V PAC SUHAIL - Bulk Carrier / 2021-01-20 - 2021-09-23 (8 months)

3rd Officer: M.V JAL KAMADHENU - Bulk Carrier / 2020-01-24 - 2020-08-21 (7 months)

3rd Officer: M.V CRIMSON MAJESTY - Bulk Carrier / 2019-05-02 - 2019-11-13 (6 months)

3rd Engineer

Age: 26

Date updated: 2023-08-21


Last contracts:

Engine Cadet: Ignacio Allende - Chemical tanker / 2021-11-30 - 2022-12-01 (1 year)

2nd Officer

Age: 37

Date updated: 2025-02-09


Last contracts:

2nd Officer: Tanker & VLCC - Crude Oil Tanker / 2022-06-15 - 2022-11-30 (5 months)


Age: 27

Date updated: 2024-04-23


Last contracts:

OS: MT free star II - Chemical tanker / 2022-02-01 - 2022-11-27 (10 months)

AB Seaman

Age: 32

Date updated: 2023-06-02


Last contracts:

AB Seaman: JAG RANI - Bulk Carrier / 2022-04-20 - 2022-11-22 (7 months)

AB Seaman: JAG ROHAN - Bulk Carrier / 2021-07-27 - 2022-01-18 (6 months)

AB Seaman: DCI DREDGE XII - Dredger / 2019-10-10 - 2020-06-22 (8 months)

AB Seaman: DCI DREDGE XII - Dredger / 2019-06-25 - 2019-09-30 (3 months)

AB Seaman: DCI DREDGE XVI - Dredger / 2018-08-14 - 2019-02-19 (6 months)


Date updated: 2024-12-20


Last contracts:

Motorman: МЕХАНИК КРАСОТКИН - Tug boat / 2022-05-02 - 2022-11-11 (6 months)

Motorman: VODOLAZ DENISOV - DSV (Diving Support) / 2021-05-20 - 2021-08-30 (3 months)


Age: 19

Date updated: 2023-09-02


Last contracts:

Motorman: Волгонефть-145 - Oil Products Tanker / 2022-09-18 - 2022-11-10 (2 months)

4th Engineer

Age: 33

Date updated: 2024-09-12


Last contracts:

4th Engineer: MV Fortune Treader - Container Ship / 2022-01-11 - 2022-11-09 (10 months)
