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Search seafarers

This section is for familiarization purposes only and is functionally limited.For recruitment of seafarers please use search tools in Employers private area

2nd Officer

Age: 26

Date updated: 2024-12-29


Last contracts:

2nd Officer: AMARELLA - Bulk Carrier / 2024-06-27 - 2025-02-02 (7 months)

2nd Officer: New Paris - General Cargo / 2023-12-02 - 2024-06-11 (6 months)

Deck Cadet: Lucky Trader - Bulk Carrier / 2019-12-09 - 2021-01-25 (1 year)


Age: 54

Date updated: 2024-12-19


Last contracts:

Master: SALVINIA - Bulk Carrier / 2024-05-02 - 2025-02-02 (9 months)

Master: KAVKAZ IV - Bulk Carrier / 2023-11-18 - 2024-01-12 (2 months)

Master: KAVKAZ II - Bulk Carrier / 2023-02-01 - 2023-11-17 (10 months)

Master: KAVKAZ IV - Bulk Carrier / 2021-07-30 - 2022-11-01 (1 year)

Master: VIKA - Bulk Carrier / 2020-06-05 - 2021-01-18 (7 months)

Chief Officer

Age: 40

Date updated: 2024-12-31


Last contracts:

Chief Officer: MV ADA - Dry Cargo / 2024-11-30 - 2025-02-02 (2 months)

Chief Officer: İpek oba - Container Ship / 2024-02-06 - 2024-04-05 (2 months)

Chief Officer: mv 15 temmuz - General Cargo / 2023-08-01 - 2023-10-27 (3 months)

Chief Officer: Jolyn - General Cargo / 2022-05-24 - 2022-09-08 (3 months)

2nd Officer: N.dadayli - Dry Cargo / 2021-09-13 - 2021-12-18 (3 months)

2nd Engineer

Age: 34

Date updated: 2024-11-28


Last contracts:

2nd Engineer: YAZ - Chemical tanker / 2024-10-02 - 2025-02-02 (4 months)

4th Engineer: Viva Gravity - Bulk Carrier / 2023-12-04 - 2024-02-23 (3 months)

3rd Engineer: Japetus - Chemical tanker / 2022-04-22 - 2022-09-08 (5 months)

3rd Engineer: HC Jana-Rosa - Bulk Carrier / 2021-06-10 - 2021-10-22 (4 months)

3rd Engineer: VF Tanker-2 - Oil Products Tanker / 2020-07-30 - 2020-12-02 (4 months)

Chief Engineer

Age: 55

Date updated: 2024-12-24


Last contracts:

Chief Engineer: Port Imabari - Bulk Carrier / 2024-08-19 - 2025-02-02 (5 months)

Chief Engineer: KP Albatross - Bulk Carrier / 2023-08-30 - 2024-03-06 (6 months)

Chief Engineer: Bulk Bequia - Bulk Carrier / 2023-01-23 - 2023-05-01 (3 months)

Chief Engineer: Bulk Geneva - Bulk Carrier / 2022-02-07 - 2022-10-10 (8 months)

Chief Engineer: Bulk Geneva - Bulk Carrier / 2020-11-05 - 2021-06-09 (7 months)


Age: 33

Date updated: 2024-11-20


Last contracts:

El. Eng. Assistant: Szare Sheregi - Bulk Carrier / 2024-08-20 - 2025-02-01 (5 months)

El. Eng. Assistant: Isadora - Bulk Carrier / 2023-09-15 - 2024-06-05 (9 months)

Electrician: Dzinter Saule - Fishing vessel / 2023-01-28 - 2023-06-14 (5 months)

Electrician: Nikolay Telenkov - Fishing vessel / 2021-07-29 - 2022-07-28 (12 months)

Electrician: Nikolay Telenkov - Fishing vessel / 2020-05-30 - 2021-01-29 (8 months)

2nd Officer

Age: 35

Date updated: 2024-12-22


Last contracts:

2nd Officer: Venie - AHTS / 2024-11-02 - 2025-02-01 (3 months)

2nd Officer: KOMULAN - AHTS / 2024-03-09 - 2024-07-07 (4 months)

2nd Officer: KOMULAN - AHTS / 2023-06-09 - 2023-11-01 (5 months)

2nd Officer: BEYA - AHTS / 2022-07-28 - 2022-12-09 (4 months)

2nd Officer: NORMAN - AHTS / 2021-12-12 - 2022-03-20 (3 months)

Chief Officer

Age: 33

Date updated: 2024-12-14


Last contracts:

Chief Officer: PLATOS - Bulk Carrier / 2024-09-22 - 2025-02-01 (4 months)

2nd Officer: PLATOS - Bulk Carrier / 2024-02-22 - 2024-08-04 (5 months)

2nd Officer: SADLERS WELLS - Bulk Carrier / 2023-07-12 - 2023-11-06 (4 months)

2nd Officer: SADLERS WELLS - Bulk Carrier / 2022-09-18 - 2023-02-19 (5 months)

2nd Officer: SADLERS WELLS - Bulk Carrier / 2021-12-08 - 2022-04-04 (4 months)


Age: 39

Date updated: 2024-12-09


Last contracts:

OS: Rix Voyager - General cargo / 2024-10-01 - 2025-02-01 (4 months)

OS: LINA - General cargo / 2024-04-12 - 2024-08-27 (4 months)

OS: Chelsea-4 - General cargo / 2023-07-05 - 2023-12-01 (5 months)

OS: Bahar - General cargo / 2022-08-23 - 2023-03-29 (7 months)

OS: Little Louie - General cargo / 2021-05-02 - 2021-12-01 (7 months)

4th Engineer

Age: 20

Date updated: 2024-12-21


Last contracts:

Junior officer: HARVEST LEADER - RO-RO / 2024-08-23 - 2025-02-01 (5 months)

Junior officer: Alliance - Bulk Carrier / 2023-12-15 - 2024-03-13 (3 months)

Engine Cadet: Sif W - Multi-Purpose Vessel / 2023-04-28 - 2023-05-31 (1 month)

Engine Cadet: Mineral Cloudbreak - Bulk Carrier / 2022-10-24 - 2023-04-25 (6 months)

Engine Cadet: Sif W - Multi-Purpose Vessel / 2022-05-23 - 2022-10-11 (5 months)

3rd Officer

Age: 33

Date updated: 2024-10-19


Last contracts:

3rd Officer: Baltic Sapphire - Chemical tanker / 2024-08-09 - 2025-02-01 (6 months)

3rd Officer: ISHTAR - VLCC / 2023-04-27 - 2023-12-26 (8 months)

AB Seaman: Front Future - Crude Oil Tanker / 2021-04-13 - 2021-11-06 (7 months)

AB Seaman: Radiant Ray - Chemical tanker / 2019-10-15 - 2020-07-23 (9 months)

OS: Silver Ray - Chemical tanker / 2018-06-29 - 2019-01-20 (7 months)

Fitter / Welder

Age: 30

Date updated: 2024-11-25


Last contracts:

Motorman-welder: TRANZIT TAVAYZA - Container Ship / 2024-08-20 - 2025-02-01 (5 months)

Motorman-welder: TRANZIT SHAMORA - Container Ship / 2023-10-16 - 2024-05-16 (7 months)

Motorman-welder: FESCO NAVARIN - Container Ship / 2022-12-26 - 2023-07-01 (6 months)

Motorman-welder: TR LYRA - Reefer / 2022-09-23 - 2022-11-04 (1 month)

Motorman-welder: FESCO PARIS - General cargo / 2022-01-26 - 2022-08-01 (6 months)

4th Engineer

Age: 23

Date updated: 2024-12-04


Last contracts:

Trainee Engineer: Meru - Crude Oil Tanker / 2024-11-20 - 2025-02-01 (2 months)

Motorman: Meru - Crude Oil Tanker / 2024-08-22 - 2024-11-19 (3 months)

Oiler: Electra - Chemical tanker / 2023-12-02 - 2024-04-27 (5 months)

Oiler: Flagship Willow - Chemical tanker / 2022-11-15 - 2023-03-25 (4 months)

Oiler: Orca - Crude Oil Tanker / 2021-12-14 - 2022-05-14 (5 months)

Chief Officer

Age: 27

Date updated: 2024-12-13


Last contracts:

Chief Officer: LOUISE AUERBACH - Multi-Purpose Vessel / 2024-06-26 - 2025-02-01 (7 months)

2nd Officer: LOUISE AUERBACH - Multi-Purpose Vessel / 2023-08-28 - 2024-02-21 (6 months)

2nd Officer: Louise Auerbach - Multi-Purpose Vessel / 2022-12-12 - 2023-05-01 (5 months)

3rd Officer: Louise Auerbach - Multi-Purpose Vessel / 2022-01-21 - 2022-08-02 (6 months)

3rd Officer: Leanne Auerbach - Multi-Purpose Vessel / 2021-04-02 - 2021-08-29 (5 months)


Age: 44

Date updated: 2024-11-27


Last contracts:

Master: SARWELLE 1 - Bulk Carrier / 2024-09-27 - 2025-02-01 (4 months)

Master: PETROBULK 1 - General Cargo / 2023-12-07 - 2024-04-25 (5 months)

Master: ANATOLIY NIKOLAEV - General Cargo / 2022-12-01 - 2023-07-25 (8 months)

Master: ANATOLIY NIKOLAEV - General Cargo / 2022-02-10 - 2022-10-11 (8 months)

Master: ANATOLIY NIKOLAEV - General Cargo / 2021-02-10 - 2021-08-05 (6 months)

Chief Officer

Age: 32

Date updated: 2024-11-25


Last contracts:

Chief Officer: Methane Jane Elizabeth - LPG / LNG / 2024-10-17 - 2025-02-01 (3 months)

Chief Officer: Gaslog Singapore - LPG / LNG / 2024-04-26 - 2024-07-30 (3 months)

2nd Officer: Gaslog Seattle - LPG / LNG / 2023-08-15 - 2023-12-17 (4 months)

2nd Officer: Methane Julia Louise - LPG / LNG / 2023-01-19 - 2023-05-26 (4 months)

2nd Officer: Gaslog Westminster - LPG / LNG / 2022-08-22 - 2022-12-05 (3 months)


Age: 41

Date updated: 2024-11-03


Last contracts:

ETO: Zamil 601 - DSV (Diving Support) / 2024-10-24 - 2025-02-01 (3 months)

ETO: POSH PUFFIN - Platform Supply vessel / 2024-03-21 - 2024-06-09 (3 months)

ETO: POSH PUFFIN - Platform Supply vessel / 2023-07-13 - 2023-11-04 (4 months)

ETO: POSH FULMAR - Platform Supply vessel / 2022-11-13 - 2023-03-17 (4 months)

ETO: Lamnalco Malkoha - AHTS / 2022-05-02 - 2022-07-13 (2 months)


Age: 37

Date updated: 2024-11-22


Last contracts:

Master: POSH Fulmar - Platform Supply vessel / 2024-09-13 - 2025-02-01 (5 months)

Master: POSH Pelican - Platform Supply vessel / 2024-05-27 - 2024-07-09 (1 month)

Master: POSH Radiant - AHTS / 2023-10-19 - 2024-04-23 (6 months)

Master: POSH Radiant - AHTS / 2023-05-17 - 2023-09-06 (4 months)

Master: POSH Gemsbok - AHTS / 2022-10-02 - 2023-01-31 (4 months)

3rd Officer

Age: 29

Date updated: 2024-12-11


Last contracts:

3rd Officer: Lpg/c Rhourd El Fares - LPG / LNG / 2024-11-10 - 2025-01-31 (3 months)

3rd Officer: Lpg/c Berga 2 - LPG / LNG / 2024-06-08 - 2024-09-07 (3 months)

2nd Officer: Lpg/c Rhourd El Hamra - LPG / LNG / 2023-10-31 - 2024-01-25 (3 months)

3rd Officer: Lpg/c Rhourd El Hamra - LPG / LNG / 2023-01-23 - 2023-06-24 (5 months)

Deck Cadet: Lpg/c Hassi berkine - LPG / LNG / 2022-10-27 - 2022-11-06 (10 days)

Chief Cook

Age: 37

Date updated: 2024-12-29


Last contracts:

Chief Cook: KARABAKH - Crude Oil Tanker / 2024-03-09 - 2025-01-31 (11 months)

Camp Boss: Gurban Abbasov - Crane vessel / 2022-09-10 - 2023-08-01 (11 months)

Camp Boss: Israfil Huseynov - Pipe laying vessel / 2019-05-02 - 2022-07-06 (3 years)

Chief Cook: Akademik Tofig Ismayilov - DSV (Diving Support) / 2017-03-01 - 2019-03-04 (2 years)

Camp Boss: Khankendi - DSV (Diving Support) / 2017-03-17 - 2017-09-07 (6 months)
