Tenet Marine Company Ltd

Information about Tenet Marine Company Ltd

The company was established in 1993 and since then has been successfully providing
foreign companies worldwide and local companies with qualified seamen. 

Official Website: www.tenetmarine.com.ua
Contact E-mail: [email protected]

+380505033711 - Odessa office


382751 views Last update: 17.12.2024

Tenet Marine Company Ltd Job(s)

3rd Engineer

Crude Oil Tanker (URSUS MARITIMUS)

$ 4 000 per month

08.04.2025 (5 months)

3rd Officer

Oil Products Tanker

$ 3 800 per month

27.03.2025 (6 months)

Chief Officer

Crude Oil Tanker

$ 10 500 per month

15.04.2025 (5 months)

Chief Engineer

Crude Oil Tanker

$ 12 500 - $ 13 000 per month

01.04.2025 (5 months)


Crude Oil Tanker

$ 7 500 per month

15.04.2025 (5 months)

2nd Engineer

Bulk Carrier

$ 8 000 - $ 8 500 per month

01.04.2025 (5 months)

Chief Engineer

Bulk Carrier

$ 10 000 - $ 10 500 per month

01.04.2025 (5 months)


Container Ship

$ 5 500 - $ 6 000 per month

15.04.2025 (5 months)

Chief Officer

Container Ship

$ 7 200 - $ 7 700 per month

15.04.2025 (5 months)

Chief Officer

Container Ship

$ 7 000 - $ 7 500 per month

15.04.2025 (5 months)

Chief Engineer

Container Ship

$ 9 000 - $ 9 500 per month

15.05.2025 (6 months)


Crude Oil Tanker

$ 1 500 per month

15.04.2025 (6 months)


Crude Oil Tanker

$ 1 800 per month

15.04.2025 (6 months)

Chief Engineer

Oil Products Tanker

$ 7 100 per month

10.04.2025 (4 months)

2nd Engineer

Oil Products Tanker

$ 5 500 per month

15.04.2025 (6 months)

 All Vacancies
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Украина, г. Одесса, Люстдорфская дорога, 92В

4043, 82 Spyrou Kyprianou str, Euro House 1st floor

9 Gagarin Plato, Office #154

19 W 24th Street

Ukraine, Odessa, 1 Preobrazhenskaya str., off. 7

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