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Страна UkraineАдрес Украина, г. Одесса, ул. Лейтенанта Шмидта, 1
Страна UkraineАдрес г. Одесса ул. Канатная 42 (угол ул. Успенская) оф. 410 (4эт.)
“Volans” and its subsidiary “Volan-Sea” are one of the leading and the most experienced crewing agencies in Ukraine that specialize on selecting qualified personnel for cruise vessels and yachts.
We are still the sole and exclusive crewing agents for Louis Cruise Lines since 1997 and since 2004 we started cooperation with Princess Cruises ( Bermuda Company). We are also crewing agents for AIDA Cruises, Panstar Lines, Swan Hellenic, Mano Maritime as well as Louis Hotels.
At present our crew is working on board more than 40 cruise vessels of Princess Cruises, Cunard Lines, Louis Cruise Lines and other vessels of our Principals (25 vessels out of 40 carry over 1500 passengers).
About 1000 new joiners are embarking the vessels of our Principals through our company every year.
All managers of “Volans” and “Volan-Sea” have strong sea-going experience, most of them on board the vessels of our Shipowners, which enables us to select, train and inform our candidates in conformity with the standards set by our Principals.
Marine agencies “Volans” and “Volan-Sea” possess all the state licenses and certificates that are necessary for legal crewing activities in Ukraine.
Страна UkraineАдрес 3rd floor, 23 Chernomorskogo Kazachestva, 65003, Odessa, Ukraine
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