
BBL Contractors Ltd

Информация о BBL Contractors Ltd

BBL is a successful technical recruitment consultancy based in London and with presence in Holland, Norway and Spain. We specialize in providing professionals to the international oil & gas, shipbuilding, petrochemical, power generation, building & Civil Engineering and construction industries both onshore and offshore.

5551 просмотров Последнее обновление: Вчера
Наиболее просматриваемые компании
23-A, Vladimirsky prospect, “Renaissance Hall”, 6 th Floor, Office 606, St.Petersburg, 191002, Russia

Украина, г. Одесса, Люстдорфская дорога, 92В

Str Mircea cel Batran NR 152 bis Tomis

ул. Гапсальская, д. 5, офис 704

