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Black Sea Contractors

Информация о Black Sea Contractors

We are crewing agency, Black Seacontractors, we are fully licensed by Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine for manning activities License.

Black Seacontractors recruit well-trained skilful seafarers for service on-board of different type of vessels both merchant and offshore fleet.

Our goal is to expand our business to the highest standards of service and to develop kind and beneficial relationships with our potential and existing principals, clients and employees.

298263 просмотров Последнее обновление: 10.03.2025

Вакансии Black Sea Contractors

3rd Engineer


€ 180 - € 200 в день

09.04.2025 (6 недель)

2nd Engineer


€ 230 в день

09.04.2025 (6 недель)

Chief Officer


€ 270 - € 280 в день

16.04.2025 (6 недель)


General Cargo

€ 250 в день

25.04.2025 (3 месяца)

2nd Engineer

General Cargo

€ 160 - € 180 в день

03.04.2025 (3 месяца)


Tug boat

€ 350 в день

31.03.2025 (2 месяца)

Single Engineer

Tug boat

€ 300 в день

31.03.2025 (2 месяца)

2nd Engineer


€ 270 в день

25.03.2025 (2 месяца)

Single Engineer


€ 240 - € 250 в день

15.04.2025 (6 недель)


Jack-up Vessel

€ 340 в день

01.04.2025 (1 месяц)

Chief Officer


€ 270 - € 320 в день

28.03.2025 (2 месяца)

2nd Engineer


€ 220 - € 240 в день

03.04.2025 (2 месяца)

3rd Engineer

General Cargo

€ 3 750 в мес.

26.03.2025 (3 месяца)

 Все вакансии для моряков
Наиболее просматриваемые компании
4043, 82 Spyrou Kyprianou str, Euro House 1st floor

пер. Некрасова 7

Сабанський провулок, 3, 11H, Одеса,

г. Одесса, Мукачевский переулок 4В, офис 4

6 Pils. Street, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
