SORS Crew Management OÜ

Информация о SORS Crew Management OÜ

SORS Crew Management OÜ

Whether you are an experienced seafarer or just starting your career, we have positions for you on all types and sizes of vessels. Our company provides fair contracts, competitive wages and timely payments.

Employment is free of charge!

17338 просмотров Последнее обновление: 25.11.2024
Наиболее просматриваемые компании
Str Mircea cel Batran NR 152 bis Tomis

6b Belinskogo Str., office 2, Odessa, Ukraine

12th Floor, Quantum tower, C.T.S. No. 1, Rambaugh, off. S.V. Road, Chincholi, Malad West

Ukraine, Odessa, 1 Preobrazhenskaya str., off. 7

Serednofontanska Str, 19B, office 201, Odesa, 65000
