BulgariaVarna CenterOdesos, ul. "Tsar Simeon I" 29, 9000 Varna, Bulgaria
- Телефон: +359(883)271-340
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- На сайте: c 11.10.2023
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USC is a collaboration between Synergy Marine Group, a globally renowned ship management company, and Unity Maritime, a British shipping company that owns a fleet of 20 dry bulk ships of different sizes (Handymax, Supramax, Ultramax, Kamsarmax).
Situated in the maritime city of Varna, Bulgaria, celebrated for its rich tradition of maritime excellence, USC hope to bring a new dimension to crewing services.
The partnership will provide crew to a sizeable fleet from both the Unity Maritime and Synergy fleets with bold ambitions to extend our services to third parties soon.
US Crewing has already embarked on this journey of providing high-quality crewing management services and has already taken over crewing services for several ships from Unity and Synergy and many more ships to join in the coming months.