Ukraine, Odessa, Lustdorfskaya Lane 140A, 2420 office
GeorgiaGeorgia, USA
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- On the site: since 09.03.2016
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Information about GREENWICH-XXI LTD
I am Capt. Sergo Devadze and I represent Greenwich-Xxi Ltd, a crewing agency from Georgia. Greenwich-Xxi Ltd is one of the leading manning agencies in Georgia, with a vast database of Georgian seamen. We started as a crewing company that was dedicating all of its affords and time managing vessels of Greek Ship Management Company Frioventures S.A. As time goes by we learned more, got better experience. Within couple of years we had capacity that could be devoted in other directions as well, meaning expanding our services to other companies. Our database contains specialists with proven sea-service at all kind and type of vessels of different DWTs. We can assure that our candidate will speak English, Russian and if needed Turkish languages, have good professional competence and be ready to comply with your company policy instructions. We treat every customer individually, and our services are tailored made to our principals’ needs and requirements. It may include simply providing a seaman or may come up to the full manning of vessel. We have strong relationship with Georgian Marine Administration, Maritime training centers which provide us with good and qualified specialists. We closely cooperate with Maritime Medical Center that gives us guarantee of medical condition of our seaman. Furthermore all our senior officers, deck officers, engine officers are licensed and certified in compliance with the requirements of the STCW-95 and ISM code and are trained at all required special training courses. So please be confident that we take our job seriously and are ready to prove it to you.
Director Cpt. Sergo Devadze
Last update: 25.11.2024
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