Crew Recruitment Services

Information about Crew Recruitment Services

CRS is a certified in accordance to national regulations, MLC 2006 and ISO 9001:2015 requirements crew management company located in Odessa, Ukraine. We are providing with well-educated and competent seafarers from a single crewmember to a complete crew management services for all types of vessels, including: Bulkers, Containers, Multi-Purposes, Oil/Products Tankers, Ch. Tankers, LNG, LPG and offshore fleet. All our crewmembers are complying with the requirements of the STCW, ILO, MLC 2006 and are fully qualified to meet Client requirements.

200220 views Last update: 25.11.2024

Crew Recruitment Services Job(s)

Gas Engineer


$ 6 000 per month

27.03.2025 (4 months)

Chief Officer

Bulk Carrier

$ 8 000 per month

31.03.2025 (4 months)

Chief Officer

Bulk Carrier

$ 7 500 per month

26.03.2025 (4 months)

Chief Engineer


$ 11 800 per month

30.03.2025 (4 months)

Chief Engineer

Bulk Carrier

€ 7 299 per month

10.04.2025 (3 months)

Chief Engineer

Bulk Carrier

€ 7 299 per month

07.04.2025 (3 months)

3rd Engineer

Bulk Carrier

$ 3 500 per month

28.03.2025 (6 months)

4th Engineer

Bulk Carrier

$ 3 368 per month

28.03.2025 (6 months)



$ 2 500 per month

25.03.2025 (6 months)

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ул.Атамана Головатого 92

Украина, г. Одесса, Люстдорфская дорога, 92В

6b Belinskogo Str., office 2, Odessa, Ukraine

Mala Arnautskaya 17

Сабанський провулок, 3, 11H, Одеса,

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