Columbia Shipmanagement Novorossiysk Branch

Information about Columbia Shipmanagement Novorossiysk Branch

Columbia Shipmanagement Office (St. Petersburg) was opened on 2004 with the main aim to recruit seamen from Russia for work on international vessels. Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd. belongs to a group of Shoeller Holding.

Company’s fleet contains about 350 different type vessels (Tankers, Containers, Multipurpose and Heavy lifts). Company takes an active part in  shipbuilding all over the world.

Most of the vessels are flying Marshall Islands, Liberia and Singapore flags, which are known for its high demands to the ships, seafarers safety and living conditions.

The company’s head office is located in Cyprus. Cyprus, Hamburg and Singapore offices are certified by Germanischer Lloyd Classification Society.

CSM has a network of offices all over the world, and the number is constantly growing.

We need professionals with experience on tanker and container vessels. We offer professional career growth, medical insurance and a partial compensation of training and documents renewal expenses.

If you want to be a part of our big CSM family - Join us!

16668 views Last update: 25.11.2024
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