All Fast Group FZCO

Информация о All Fast Group FZCO

We are the leading human resource consultancy with Headquarters in UAE, attracting, developing, and retaining the finest seafarers in the business, both onboard and in the office. We provide marine IT services as well as crew management solutions.
Our mission is to assist businesses in becoming cost-effective by utilizing outsourcing, optimization, technology, and automation.

62413 просмотров Последнее обновление: 30.12.2024

Вакансии All Fast Group FZCO

2nd Officer


$ 4 200 в мес.

13.03.2025 (5 месяцев)

 Все вакансии для моряков
Наиболее просматриваемые компании
Украина, г. Одесса, Люстдорфская дорога, 92В

9 Gagarin Plato, Office #154

пер. Некрасова 7

Сабанський провулок, 3, 11H, Одеса,

Ukraine, Odessa, 1 Preobrazhenskaya str., off. 7
