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Information about CRYSTAL POOL LTD. (LATVIA)

Established in 2009, Crystal Pool (Latvia) Ltd is committed to provide a range of quality, cost-effective recruitment and crew management services to the world’s leading players of maritime industry.

Through many years we have acquired a wide experience and good reputation that can guarantee a high level of service to our clients.

Crystal Pool (Latvia) Ltd is an ISO 9001:2015 accredited company, an ILO – MLC 2006 compliant and licensed by the Maritime Administration of Latvia.

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23-A, Vladimirsky prospect, “Renaissance Hall”, 6 th Floor, Office 606, St.Petersburg, 191002, Russia

Украина, г. Одесса, Люстдорфская дорога, 92В

6b Belinskogo Str., office 2, Odessa, Ukraine

ул. Гапсальская, д. 5, офис 704


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